Hand Dyeing Heaven since 2005!

summer school

Association of Guilds of Spinners, Weavers and Dyers Summer School, Askham Bryan College, York

Summer School part one!

Summer School and the colours are exploding everywhere! Three days into Summer School and we are having an amazing time! The students have been kept busy and so far the group have produced over 150 samples and between them have dyed around 100 skeins of yarn/fibre! We’ve experimented with solid colour, handpaints, ball-dyeing, blending and

Summer School part one! Read More »

A selection of yarns hand dyed wih procion dyes from DT Craft & Design by students on Debbie Tomkies' hand-dyeing summer school class

Summer School – Ball dyeing and sampling

Summer School Day One Day One was a helter skelter of introductions, lots of sampling, starting the first colourways (and a bit of maths!). Before the course, students were encouraged to bring inspiration images and objects and they had clearly done their homework! After producing the first set of samples for their recipe books, we

Summer School – Ball dyeing and sampling Read More »

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